94. J. Westermayr, P. Marquetand
Machine Learning Spectroscopy to Advance Computation and Analysis
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93. B. Kaufman, P. Marquetand, T. Rozgonyi, T. Weinacht
Long Lived Electronic Coherences in Molecular Wave Packets Probed with Pulse Shape Spectroscopy
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92. M. J. Sahre, G. F. von Rudorff, P. Marquetand, O. A. von Lilienfeld
Transferability of atomic energies from alchemical decomposition
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91. R. van Workum, J. Malhado, P. Marquetand
CASNet: Learning Complete Active Space Orbitals using Message Passing Neural Networks
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90. B. Kaufman, P. Marquetand, T. Rozgonyi, T. Weinacht
Long-Lived Electronic Coherences in Molecules
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89. G. Li Manni, I. F. Galván, A. Alavi, F. Aleotti, F. Aquilante, J. Autschbach, D. Avagliano, A. Baiardi, J. J. Bao, S. Battaglia, L. Birnoschi, A. Blanco-González, S. I. Bokarev, R. Broer, R. Cacciari, P. B. Calio, R. K. Carlson, R. Carvalho Couto, L. Cerdán, L. F. Chibotaru, N. F. Chilton, J. R. Church, I. Conti, S. Coriani, J. Cuéllar-Zuquin, R. E. Daoud, N. Dattani, P. Decleva, C. de Graaf, M. G. Delcey, L. De Vico, W. Dobrautz, S. S. Dong, R. Feng, N. Ferré, M. Filatov(Gulak), L. Gagliardi, M. Garavelli, L. González, Y. Guan, M. Guo, M. R. Hennefarth, M. R. Hermes, C. E. Hoyer, M. Huix-Rotllant, V. K. Jaiswal, A. Kaiser, D. S. Kaliakin , M. Khamesian, D. S. King, V. Kochetov, M. Krośnicki, A. A. Kumaar, E. D. Larsson, S. Lehtola, M.-B. Lepetit, H. Lischka, P. López Ríos, M. Lundberg, D. Ma, S. Mai, P. Marquetand , I. C. D. Merritt, F. Montorsi, M. Mörchen, A. Nenov, V. H. A. Nguyen, Y. Nishimoto, M. S. Oakley, M. Olivucci, M. Oppel, D. Padula, R. Pandharkar, Q. M. Phung, F. Plasser, G. Raggi, E. Rebolini, M. Reiher, I. Rivalta, D. Roca-Sanjuán, T. Romig, A. A. Safari, A. Sánchez-Mansilla, A. M. Sand, I. Schapiro, T. R. Scott, J. Segarra-Martí, F. Segatta, D.-C. Sergentu, P. Sharma, R. Shepard, Y. Shu, J. K. Staab, T. P. Straatsma, L. K. Sørensen, B. N. C. Tenorio, D. G. Truhlar, L. Ungur, M. Vacher, V. Veryazov, T. A. Voss, O. Weser, D. Wu, X. Yang, D. Yarkony, C. Zhou, J. P. Zobel, R. Lindh
The OpenMolcas Web: A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19, 6933–6991 (2023). ChemRxiv DOI:10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-b7f0j-v2 -
88. M. M. Reiner, B. Bachmair, M. X. Tiefenbacher, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand, C. Dellago
Nonadiabatic Forward Flux Sampling for Excited-State Rare Events
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19, 1657–1671 (2023). arXiv:2208.00686 [physics.chem-ph] -
87. P. Marquetand
Recent progress in electro-and photocatalyst discovery with machine learning
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86. K. Cseh, H. Geisler, K. Stanojkovska, J. Westermayr, P. Brunmayr, D. Wenisch, N. Gajic, M. Hejl, M. Schaier, G. Koellensperger, M. A Jakupec, P. Marquetand, W. Kandioller
Arene variation of highly cytotoxic tridentate naphthoquinone-based ruthenium (II) complexes and in-depth in vitro studies
Pharmaceutics, 14, 2466 (2022). -
85. M. Oelschlegel, S.-A. Hua, L. Schmid, P. Marquetand, A. Bäck, J.-H. Borter, J. Lücken, S. Dechert, O. S. Wenger, I. Siewert, D. Schwarzer, L. González, F. Meyer
Luminescent Iridium Complexes with a Sulfurated Bipyridine Ligand: PCET Thermochemistry of the Disulfide Unit and Photophysical Properties
Inorg. Chem., 61, 13944-13955 (2022). -
84. L. Gerard, M. Scherbela, P. Marquetand, P. Grohs
Gold-standard solutions to the Schrödinger Equation using Deep Learning: How much physics do we need?
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83. B. Lier, P. Poliak, P. Marquetand, J. Westermayr, C. Oostenbrink
BuRNN: A Buffer Region Neural Network Approach for QM/MM Simulations of Complex Systems
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 13, 3812–3818 (2022). arXiv:2112.11395 [physics.chem-ph] -
83. J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, D. Vörös, L. Panzenboeck, F. Joerg, L. González, P. Marquetand*
Deep learning study of tyrosine reveals that roaming can lead to photodamage
Nat. Chem., 14, 914-919 (2022). arXiv:2108.04373 [physics.chem-ph] -
82. M. Scherbela, R. Reisenhofer, L. Gerard, P. Marquetand, P. Grohs
Solving the electronic Schrödinger equation for multiple nuclear geometries with weight-sharing deep neural networks
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81. N. Gessner, A. K. Bäck, J. Knorr, C. Nagel, P. Marquetand, U. Schatzschneider, L. González, P. Nuernberger
Ultrafast Photochemistry of a Molybdenum Carbonyl-Nitrosyl Complex with a Triazacyclononane Coligand
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 24187-24199 (2021). ChemRxiv DOI:10.33774/chemrxiv-2021-xptgq -
80. G. Cardenas, I. Trentin, L. Schwiedrzik, D. Hernández-Castillo, G. Lowe, P. Marquetand, J. Nogueira, C. Streb, L. González
Oxidation vs. ligand exchange in a molecular manganese vanadium oxide water oxidation catalyst
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79. S. Sang, T. Unruh, S. Demeshko, L. Domenianni, N. van Leest, P. Marquetand, F. Schneck, C. Würtele, F. de Zwaart, B. de Bruin, L. Gonzaléz, P. Vöhringer, S. Schneider
Photo-Initiated Cobalt Catalyzed Radical Olefin Hydrogenation
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78. H. Geisler, J. Westermayr, K. Cseh, D. Wenisch, V. Fuchs, S. Harringer, S. Plutzar, N. Gajic, M. Hejl, M. Jakupec, P. Marquetand, W. Kandioller
Tridentate 3-substituted naphthoquinone ruthenium arene complexes: Synthesis, characterization, aqueous behavior, theoretical and biological studies
Inorg. Chem., 60, 9805-9819 (2021). -
77. G. Cárdenas, P. Marquetand, S. Mai, L. González
A Force Field for a Manganese-Vanadium Water Oxidation Catalyst: Redox Potentials in Solution as Showcase
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76. B. Kaufman, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Competition Between Dynamic Resonance and Internal Conversion in Strong Field Molecular Ionization with Chirped Ultrafast Laser Pulses
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75. J. Westermayr, P. Marquetand*
Machine learning for electronically excited states of molecules
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74. B. Kaufman, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Adiabatic Elimination in Strong Field Light Matter Coupling
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73. Y. Liu, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Excited-State Dynamics of CH2I2 and CH2IBr Studied with UV-Pump VUV-Probe Momentum-Resolved Photoion Spectroscopy
J. Chem. Phys., 153, 184304 (2020). -
72. J. Westermayr, P. Marquetand*
Deep learning for UV absorption spectra with SchNarc: First steps toward transferability in chemical compound space
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71. B. Kaufman, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Coherent control of internal conversion in strong field molecular ionization
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70. J. Westermayr, P. Marquetand*
Perspective: Machine learning and excited-state molecular dynamics
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69. J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand*
Combining SchNet and SHARC: The SchNarc machine learning approach for excited-state dynamics
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68. J. Westermayr, F. A. Faber, A. S. Christensen, O. A. von Lilienfeld, P. Marquetand*
Neural networks and kernel ridge regression for excited states dynamics of CH2NH+2: From single-state to multi-state representations and multi-property machine learning models
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67. Y. Liu, S. L. Horton, J. Yang, J. P. F. Nunes, X. Shen, T. J. A. Wolf, R. Forbes, C. Cheng, B. Moore, M. Centurion, K. Hegazy, R. Li, M. Lin, A. Stolow, P. Hockett, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand*, X. Wang, T. Weinacht
Spectroscopic and Structural Probing of Excited State Molecular Dynamics with Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
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66. I. Fdez. Galván, M. Vacher, A. Alavi, C. Angeli, J. Autschbach, J. J. Bao, S. I. Bokarev, N. A. Bogdanov, R. K. Carlson, L. F. Chibotaru, J. Creutzberg, N. Dattani, M. G. Delcey, S. Dong, A. Dreuw, L. Freitag, L. M. Frutos, L. Gagliardi, F. Gendron, A. Giussani, L. González, G. Grell, M. Guo, C. E. Hoyer, M. Johansson, S. Keller, S. Knecht, G. Kovačević, E. Källman, G. Li Manni, M. Lundberg, Y. Ma, S. Mai, J. P. Malhado, P. Å. Malmqvist, P. Marquetand, S. A. Mewes, J. Norell, M. Olivucci, M. Oppel, Q. M. Phung, K. Pierloot, F. Plasser, M. Reiher, A. M. Sand, I. Schapiro, P. Sharma, C. J. Stein, L. K. Sørensen, D. G. Truhlar, M. Ugandi, L. Ungur, A. Valentini, S. Vancoillie, V. Veryazov, O. Weser, P.-O. Widmark, S. Wouters, J. P. Zobel, R. Lindh
OpenMolcas: From Source Code to Insight
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 15, 5925-5964 (2019). ChemRxiv DOI:10.26434/chemrxiv.8234021 -
65. J. Westermayr, M. Gastegger, M. Menger, S. Mai, L. González, P. Marquetand*
Machine learning enables long time scale molecular photodynamics simulations
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64. S. Horton, Y. Liu, R. Forbes, V. Makhija, R. Lausten, A. Stolow, P. Hockett, P. Marquetand, T. Rozgonyi, T. Weinacht
Excited State Dynamics of CH2I2 and CH2BrI studied with UV Pump VUV Probe Photoelectron Spectroscopy
J. Chem. Phys., 150, 174201 (2019). arXiv -
63. M. Gastegger, L. González, P. Marquetand
Exploring Density Functional Subspaces with Genetic Algorithms
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62. S. Mai, A. Mohamadzade, P. Marquetand, L. González, S. Ullrich
Simulated and Experimental Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectra of the Intersystem Crossing Dynamics in 2-Thiouracil
Molecules, 23, 2836 (2018). -
61. S. Horton, Y. Liu, P. Chakraborty, P. Marquetand, T. Rozgonyi, S. Matsika, T. Weinacht
Strong field vs weak field ionization pump-probe spectroscopy
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60. S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González
Nonadiabatic Dynamics: The SHARC Approach
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59. B. Maryasin, P. Marquetand, N. Maulide
Machine Learning for Organic Synthesis: Robots Replacing Chemists?
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 6978-6980 (2018). (German edition: Angew. Chem.) -
58. M. Gastegger, L. Schwiedrzik, M. Bittermann, F. Berzsenyi, P. Marquetand*
wACSF – Weighted Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions as Descriptors in Machine Learning Potentials
J. Chem. Phys., 148, 241709 (2018). arXiv:1712.05861 [physics.chem-ph] -
57. C. Rauer, J. J. Nogueira, P. Marquetand, L. González
Stepwise Photosensitized Thymine Dimerization Mediated by an Exciton Intermediate
Monatsh. Chem., 149, 1-9 (2018). -
56. M. Gastegger, J. Behler, P. Marquetand*
Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics for the Simulation of Infrared Spectra
Chem. Sci., 8, 6924-6935 (2017). Supporting information arXiv:1705.05907 [physics.chem-ph] -
55. V. Tagliamonti, B. Kaufman, A. Zhao, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Time-resolved measurement of internal conversion dynamics in strong-field molecular ionization
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54. A. Zhao, P. Sándor, V. Tagliamonti, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Ionic dynamics underlying strong-field dissociative molecular ionization
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53. J. Sánchez-Rodríguez, A. Mohamadzade, S. Mai, B. Ashwood, M. Pollum, P. Marquetand, L. González, C. Crespo-Hernández, S. Ullrich
2-Thiouracil Intersystem Crossing Photodynamics Studied By Wavelength-Dependent Photoelectron And Transient Absorption Spectroscopies
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 19756-19766 (2017). Supporting information -
52. S. Mai, B. Ashwood, P. Marquetand, C. Crespo-Hernández, L. González
Solvatochromic Effects on the Absorption Spectrum of 2-Thiocytosine
J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 5187-5196 (2017). Supporting information -
51. A. Borin, S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Relaxation and Intersystem Crossing Mechanisms of 5-Azacytosine
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 5888-5894 (2017). Supporting information -
50. S. Larimian, S. Erattupuzha, S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González, A. Baltuška, M. Kitzler, Xinhua Xie
Molecular oxygen observed by direct photoproduction from carbon dioxide
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49. P. Marquetand, J.J. Nogueira, S. Mai, F. Plasser, L. González
Challenges in Simulating Light-Induced Processes in DNA
Molecules, 22, 49 (2017). -
48. S. Mai, M. Richter, P. Marquetand*, L. González
The DNA Nucleobase Thymine in Motion - Intersystem Crossing Simulated with Surface Hopping
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47. M. Ruckenbauer, S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, L. González
Revealing deactivation pathways hidden in time-resolved photoelectron spectra
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46. C. Rauer, J. Nogueira, P. Marquetand*, L. González
Cyclobutane Thymine Photodimerization Mechanism Revealed by Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 15911-15916 (2016). Supporting information -
45. S. Mai, M. Pollum, L. Martinez-Fernandez, N. Dunn, P. Marquetand, I. Corral, C. Crespo-Hernández, L. González
The Origin of Efficient Triplet State Population in Sulfur-Substituted Nucleobases
Nat. Commun., 7, 13077 (2016). Supporting information -
44. S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González
Intersystem Crossing Pathways in the Noncanonical Nucleobase 2-Thiouracil: A Time-Dependent Picture
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7, 1978-1983 (2016). Supporting information -
43. M. Gastegger, C. Kauffmann, J.Behler, P. Marquetand*
Comparing the Accuracy of High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials and the Systematic Molecular Fragmentation Method: A Benchmark Study for all-trans Alkanes
J. Chem. Phys., 144, 194110 (2016). Supporting information -
42. H. Yu, J. Sanchez-Rodriguez, M. Pollum, C. Crespo-Hernandez, S. Mai, P. Marquetand, L. González, S. Ullrich
Internal Conversion and Intersystem Crossing Pathways in UV excited, isolated Uracils and their Implications in Prebiotic Chemistry
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 20168-20176 (2016). Supporting information -
41. V. Tagliamonti, P. Sándor, A. Zhao, T. Rozgonyi, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Nonadiabatic dynamics and multiphoton resonances in strong field molecular ionization with few cycle laser pulses
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40. B. Curchod, C. Rauer, P. Marquetand, L. González, T. Martínez
GAIMS - Generalized Ab Initio Multiple Spawning for both Internal Conversion and Intersystem Crossing Processes
J. Chem. Phys., 144, 101102 (2016). -
39. F. Plasser, M. Ruckenbauer, S. Mai, M. Oppel, P. Marquetand, L. González
Efficient and Flexible Computation of Many-Electron Wavefunction Overlaps
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12, 1207-1219 (2016). -
38. P. Sándor, V. Tagliamonti, A. Zhao, T. Rozgonyi, M. Ruckenbauer, P. Marquetand, T. Weinacht
Strong Field Molecular Ionization in the Impulsive Limit: Freezing Vibrations with Short Pulses
Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 063002 (2016). Supporting information arXiv:1611.09142 [physics.chem-ph] -
37. M. Ruckenbauer, S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, L. González
Photoelectron Spectra of 2-Thiouracil, 4-Thiouracil and 2,4-Dithiouracil
J. Chem. Phys., 144, 074303 (2016). Supporting information arXiv:1512.02905 [physics.chem-ph] -
36. C. Bernardes, K. Shimizu, J. Canongia Lopes, P. Marquetand, E. Heid, O. Steinhauser, C. Schröder
Additive polarizabilities in ionic liquids
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 1665-1670 (2016). Supporting information -
35. S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, L. González
A Static Picture of the Relaxation and Intersystem Crossing Mechanisms of Photoexcited 2-Thiouracil
J. Phys. Chem. A, 119, 9524-9533 (2015). Supporting information -
34. M. Gastegger, P. Marquetand*
High-dimensional Neural Networks for Organic Reactions and an Improved Training Algorithm
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 11, 2187-2198 (2015). -
33. C. Crespo-Hernández, L. Martinez-Fernandez, C. Rauer, C. Reichardt, S. Mai, M. Pollum, P. Marquetand, L. González, I. Corral
Electronic and Structural Elements that Regulate the Excited-State Dynamics in Purine Nucleobase Derivatives
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 4368-4381 (2015). Supporting information -
32. S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, L. González
A General Method to Describe Intersystem Crossing in Trajectory Surface Hopping
Int. J. Quant. Chem., 115, 1215-1231 (2015). -
31. F. Latorre, J. Guthmuller, P. Marquetand*
A Spectroscopic Study of the cis/trans-Isomers of Penta-2,4-dienoic Acid Attached to Gold Nanoclusters
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 7648-7658 (2015). -
30. M. Richter, S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, L. González
Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing Dynamics in Uracil Unravelled by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 24423-24436 (2014). -
29. S. Mai, T. Müller, F. Plasser, P. Marquetand, H. Lischka, L. González
Perturbational treatment of spin-orbit coupling for generally applicable high-level multi-reference methods
J. Chem. Phys., 141, 074105 (2014). -
28. S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, L. González
Excited State Dynamics in SO2: II. The Role of Triplet States in the Bound State Relaxation Studied by Surface-Hopping Simulations
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27. M. Thomas, S. Mühlig, T. Deckert-Gaudig, C. Rockstuhl, V. Deckert, P. Marquetand*
Distinguishing Chemical and Electromagnetic Enhancement in Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra: The Case of para-Nitrothiophenol
J. Raman Spectrosc., 44, 1497 - 1505 (2013). -
26. S. Mai, P. Marquetand*, M. Richter, J. González-Vázquez, and L. González
A singlet and triplet excited-state dynamics study of the keto and enol tautomers of cytosine
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25. M. Thomas, F. Latorre, P. Marquetand*
Resonance Raman Spectra of ortho-Nitrophenol Calculated by Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
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24. M. Richter, P. Marquetand, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, L. González
Femtosecond Intersystem Crossing in the DNA Nucleobase Cytosine
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3, 3090-3095 (2012). Supporting information -
23. D. Geißler, P. Marquetand*, J. González-Vázquez, L. González, T. Rozgonyi, and T. Weinacht
Control of nuclear dynamics with strong ultrashort laser pulses
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22. J. Bajo, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, J. Santamaria, M. Richter, P. Marquetand, L. González
Nonadiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics including spin-orbit coupling and laser fields
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21. Daniel Kinzel, P. Marquetand*, L. González
Stark Control of a Chiral Fluoroethylene Derivative
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20. Dominik Geißler, Tamás Rozgonyi, Jesús González-Vázquez, Leticia González, Philipp Marquetand, Thomas Weinacht
Pulse Shape Dependent Strong Field Ionization Viewed with Velocity Map Imaging
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19. P. Marquetand*, M. Richter, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, L. González
Nonadiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics including spin-orbit coupling and laser fields
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18. M. Richter, P. Marquetand*, J. González-Vázquez, I. Sola, L. González
SHARC - ab initio molecular dynamics with surface hopping in the adiabatic representation including arbitrary couplings
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17. K. Renziehausen, P. Marquetand, V. Engel
On the divergence of time-dependent perturbation theory applied to laser-induced molecular transitions
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16. P. Marquetand, P. Nuernberger, T. Brixner, V. Engel
Molecular dump processes induced by chirped laser pulses
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Analysis of laser fields for photoassociation and molecular stabilization derived from local control theory
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14. P. Marquetand, P. Nuernberger, G. Vogt, T. Brixner, V. Engel
Properties of wave packets deduced from quantum control fitness landscapes
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Local control theory applied to molecular photoassociation
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12. Z. Chen, V. Stepanenko, V. Dehm, P. Prins, L. Siebbeles, J. Seibt, P. Marquetand, V. Engel, F. Würthner
Photoluminescence and conductivity of self-assembled π-π stacks of perylene bisimide dyes
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11. S. Koller, J. Seibt, P. Marquetand, V. Engel
Application of a reflection principle to spectroscopic transitions in molecular dimersc
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10. J. Seibt, P. Marquetand, V. Engel
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On the geometry dependence of molecular dimer spectra with an application to aggregates of perylene bisimide
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9. P. Marquetand, V. Engel
Complete local control of molecular excited states photodissociation
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8. S. Gräfe, P. Marquetand, V. Engel
Classical aspects emerging from local control of energy and particle transfer in molecules
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 180, 271 - 276 (2006).
Special Issue: "Coherent Control of Photochemical and Photobiological Processes" -
7. P. Marquetand, S. Gräfe, D. Scheidel, V. Engel
Local control of the quantum dynamics in multiple potential wells
J. Chem. Phys., 124, 054325/1 - 7 (2006). -
6. P. Marquetand, C. Meier, V. Engel
Local control of molecular fragmentation: The role of orientation
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